Uses for elastic in clothes alterations

Shorten sleeve with shirring elastic

Shorten sleeve with shirring elastic by stitching upwards from hem, or around the sleeve.  This will gather the excess fabric and create a gathered effect. If you have a sleeve that is too long, a quick option is to sew elastic onto the inside arm seam or shirring elastic upwards on the sleeve.  This could be at the end of the sleeve starting from the hem and working up towards the underarm, or it could be [...]

2016-12-27T12:36:27+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Stretch and Knit Tops & Tees|Tags: |Comments Off on Shorten sleeve with shirring elastic

Shorten waist with shirring elastic

Shorten waist with shirring elastic, which also creates a great feature on a plain dress or top. Another method to shorten a dress or top is to sew shirring elastic around the waist.  To ensure that the elastic does not pull away, unpick the side seams so the sewing begins at the edge of the fabric. The shirring elastic is wound on to your bobbin by hand.  Make sure to wind it on firm rather [...]

2016-12-27T12:52:40+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Stretch and Knit Tops & Tees|Tags: |Comments Off on Shorten waist with shirring elastic

Altering trousers elastic waist

Comfort is important but even some trousers that are elasticated can be too big in the waist or they may hang down at the crotch, or a combination of both.  To test and see which is the problem, fold the elastic band over once and see what happens to the crotch.  If it has not raised it enough, fold over again.  It may be that you only want to fold the waist over one and [...]

2016-12-27T12:37:05+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Skirts, Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Altering trousers elastic waist

Threading elastic

Threading elastic can be a tedious job.  When the elastic goes in your trousers or skirt, rather than pulling the old elastic out first, then threading the new, join the new elastic to the end of the old elastic, and when pulling the old elastic out, the new elastic will be threaded through.  Quick and easy. Threading elastic Using the traditional method of a safety pin works, but there is a better product [...]

2018-05-05T17:49:46+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Skirts, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Threading elastic

Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band

Insert elastic at center back to tighten stretch pants Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band to secure them at the waist or hip. A lot of the gym trousers these days don’t have elastic in the waist.  The manufactures are making a band out of the Lycra or the stretch fabric and attaching this to the trouser.  As the person looses weight or the trousers are washed a few times, the trousers [...]

2018-05-05T12:32:51+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band