Insert elastic at center back to tighten stretch pants

Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band to secure them at the waist or hip.

A lot of the gym trousers these days don’t have elastic in the waist.  The manufactures are making a band out of the Lycra or the stretch fabric and attaching this to the trouser.  As the person looses weight or the trousers are washed a few times, the trousers become looser.  An easy way to keep the trousers up is to thread some elastic through the band.  Rather than unpick the band, use your quick unpick and undo one or two stitches in the band.  Just enough to get your bodkin or large safety pin through with the elastic attached.  Once you have threaded the elastic through, hand stitch up the seam.

Another quick and easy method would be to sew some elastic on the inside of the band at the center back.  You probably only need 15 cm (6 ”) of elastic stretched out to about 20 cm (8 ”).

Happy altering
Judith Turner

2018-05-05T12:32:51+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band