Shorten skirt from waist

Shorten skirt from waist is usually because their is some type of embellishment feature at the hem, or it may have a border you want to leave in tact.  Other reasons to shorten skirt from waist are - The skirt is pleated. Shorten from the top to keep the pleated hem in tact. A knitted skirt that has been started from the bottom will not have a standard hem, which means the hem should be [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:39+10:00 By |Categories: Hems, Skirts|Tags: |Comments Off on Shorten skirt from waist

Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band

Insert elastic at center back to tighten stretch pants Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band to secure them at the waist or hip. A lot of the gym trousers these days don’t have elastic in the waist.  The manufactures are making a band out of the Lycra or the stretch fabric and attaching this to the trouser.  As the person looses weight or the trousers are washed a few times, the trousers [...]

2018-05-05T12:32:51+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Insert elastic stretch pants waist hip band