Shorten skirt from waist is usually because their is some type of embellishment feature at the hem, or it may have a border you want to leave in tact.  Other reasons to shorten skirt from waist are -

  1. The skirt is pleated. Shorten from the top to keep the pleated hem in tact.
  2. A knitted skirt that has been started from the bottom will not have a standard hem, which means the hem should be left as is and it should be shortened from the waist.
  3. Any skirt with a border or embellishment on the bottom should be shortened from the waist.
    Shorten skirt from waist

    Shorten skirt from waist

Finding out how much to take off should really be done by folding the top of the skirt over.  If it has elastic, do one roll at a time, making sure to roll at the sides and back as well.  Use two pins in a cross at the front, or use a safety pin through all the layers folded.

If it is not possible to roll from the top, fold up the excess at the bottom, and take the amount folded up from the top.

When preparing check the amount folded under and write the amount down somewhere before taking the pins out.  If there is a band, take the band off, cut from the body of the garment and put back on.

I have had customers ask that the band not be put back on.  That would mean attaching elastic.  In this case I would over lock the top section, pin the elastic on measuring in quarters.  Always place the join of the elastic at the center back.  Fold the elastic in half and find the center front.  Place the center front and center back together and this will give you the side seam.  Pin this section to the side seam and repeat on the other side.  Sew the elastic on.  I always have the right side of the fabric facing up and lay the elastic underneath so that I sew into the center of the over lock.

Turn the garment inside out and fold over and stitch through the center of the over locking again.  The method used to shorten skirt from waist will always be determined by the style of skirt.

Tip - if the garment is knitted or lined, place chalk or pencil marks around the new hem length at the top and sew a row of stitching around the garment BEFORE cutting.  This is important to do if a knit, just in case it unravels.  The row of stitching should stop any laddering.

Happy altering

Judith aka genie

2016-10-21T10:18:39+10:00 By |Categories: Hems, Skirts|Tags: |Comments Off on Shorten skirt from waist

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