Threading elastic can be a tedious job.  When the elastic goes in your trousers or skirt, rather than pulling the old elastic out first, then threading the new, join the new elastic to the end of the old elastic, and when pulling the old elastic out, the new elastic will be threaded through.  Quick and easy.

threading elastic

Threading elastic

Using the traditional method of a safety pin works, but there is a better product on the market which is called a Bodkin.  They work very well, unlike a safety pin which may open half way through the threading.

The the elastic is stitched in so hard that it would be almost impossible to unpick, try cutting it away and attached a new band.  If you always wear something over the waist line making a new band will not be a problem.

If you have the time to sit and unpick that's great, but if running a business, the customer is going to be charged for all the time it takes to unpick.  I give my customers the choice of cutting off, or they can unpick it for me.  I will even give them a quick unpick and send them on their way.  They always return with the job done, then all I have to do is put it all back together with the new elastic.

Happy altering
Judith Turner

2018-05-05T17:49:46+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Skirts, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Threading elastic