Altering trousers elastic waist

Comfort is important but even some trousers that are elasticated can be too big in the waist or they may hang down at the crotch, or a combination of both.  To test and see which is the problem, fold the elastic band over once and see what happens to the crotch.  If it has not raised it enough, fold over again.  It may be that you only want to fold the waist over one and [...]

2016-12-27T12:37:05+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Skirts, Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Altering trousers elastic waist

How to fix trousers that are baggy at the back leg

Ever stood side on to a mirror and looked at the back of your trousers?  Have you noticed how the front is resting snug against your thighs, but the back leg looks like you could fit another person in there? To work out how much needs to be taken out of the back leg, you need someone else to stand behind you and pin the trousers.  I am going to show you a way of [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:49+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too big - Take In|Tags: |Comments Off on How to fix trousers that are baggy at the back leg