Jacket zips

Jacket zips take the most time to replace. As you all know I am in Australia and I charge my customers up to $65.00 to replace jacket zips in a lined garment.  Because I work on AUD$40.00 plus GST (10%) per hour, by the time I unpick the broken jacket zips, and put the new one in it takes over an hour. Some people go into shock when I give them to price, but I [...]

2018-05-07T11:35:23+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Jacket zips

Invisible zipper-bagging corners

Invisible zipper-bagging corners gives a nice finish at the top.  I actually prefer to put an invisible zipper in a garment, rather than a dress zip and I use my normal zipper foot.   Unpick the broken invisible zipper and pick off all the excess threads.  There are two things you need to do when unpicking. How to bag top of invisible zip 1.  Unpick the seam a little bit [...]

2018-05-07T10:48:02+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Invisible zipper-bagging corners

Protecting zippers from breaking

Protecting zippers from breaking How to prevent broken zip   When washing a garment, ALL zips should be ZIPPED UP before going into the washing machine. If the zip is left open, and the garment gets caught with another garment, the zip could be placed under a lot of pressure and the zip could easily break. The slider could get tangled with another garment and put a hole in the garment.  However if [...]

2018-05-05T18:09:46+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Protecting zippers from breaking

Shortening a zipper

Shorten a zip There are going to be times when you can't find the right size zip.  One of my pet hates is to see someone shortening a zipper by cutting the excess off at the top of the zip, rather than the bottom. Zippers have stoppers at the top, and this allows the zip to stop and lock, or if not lock at least the slider will not come off the top [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:44+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Shortening a zipper

Jean Zips

Jean zips Most metal jean zippers have a lock at the top.  If you lift the slider up the zip will come down, and if you push the slider down against the zip then the zip will lock into place.  Sometimes the slider can flip up, and then of course the zip will unzip which can be very embarrassing for the person wearing the jeans. I have had people bring in jeans with this type [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:44+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Jean Zips