Trouser zippers

I have a method for unpicking trouser zippers.  I always start on one side first (the side without the flap) unpicking just enough stitches to get the zip out of the band.  Then unpick down to the bottom of the zip, then up the other side releasing the zip from the flap. You must also unpick the flap side.  There are usually one or two rows of stitching holding the flap down.  I have seen [...]

2014-12-15T21:23:06+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Trouser zippers

Why do invisible zips break?

There are a number of reasons why an invisible zip will break. Problem 1 - Stress is placed on the zipper when zipping it up.  As the zip is being zipped, the teeth are individually being stressed because the above the slider is open and the slider is trying to lock the teeth together.  The wider the opening above the slider, the more stress is placed on the teeth, which means eventually they will break [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:49+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Why do invisible zips break?

Finding the right colour zipper

Designers come up with beautiful designs, however if there's a zip involved, you could be stuck when it comes to replacing it if the zip breaks.  Most haberdashery businesses, only provide the standard zips.  That means if you come up against something out of the ordinary you may find it difficult to find a replacement. One option is to go to second hand shops and see if you can find a zip in a second [...]

2013-10-20T21:27:50+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Finding the right colour zipper