what is a godet

what is a godet

What is a godet?  A godet (unlike a gusset) is an extra piece of fabric in the shape of a large triangle.  It is added between seams to give flare.  And example of where a godet would be added is in a skirt or skirt on a dress to give width and volume.

From a clothing alteration point of view a godet could be added to the back of a very tight fitting gown to allow the wearer more movement when walking.

A godet is a great way to remodel an old garment.  Contrast fabric can be used.  Blocking is where a contrast color is added, and a godet is no different.

Have a look in your wardrobe and see if you have a dress or skirt that could be revamped.

Happy altering

Judith aka genie

2016-10-21T10:18:39+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out, Dresses and Gowns|Tags: |Comments Off on What is a godet?