Opening pockets on suit jacket is easy, but some people DO NOT want the pockets open, so always ask first.

This is a true story.  A gentleman came into one of my shops, and said, “I want you to put some pockets in my favorite jacket.  I don’t care how much it costs.  I have had this jacket for years, and I love it, but I can’t stand it any more.  I want pockets!!!!!”

Looking at the jacket  I poked my little finger into the side of the pocket.  Then I poked my finger into the other side of the pocket.  It was a very tight fit, but I could just get my long acrylic nail in there.

Grabbing a quick unpick I sniped the stitches, beginning at the edge and working across.

Then I unpicked the opposite pocket.  I pulled out the loose threads and handed him back his jacket, and said “How about $100.00?”  “Just kidding…no charge!”

He could not believe it.  To open pockets on suit jacket took about 30 seconds.  For good measure I looked at the top pocket, and it was sewn shut as well, so I opened that.

I had a customer for life…………………………….

Manufacturers sew most of the pockets shut because they don’t want them to sag open on the hangers, and there are people who do not want to put their hands in their pockets, because it might put the jacket out of shape.  Personally I LOVE my pockets.  I have my hands in them all the time, so if you have someone who comes and gets a jacket altered, even if it’s the sleeves, check out the pockets, and ask if they want them opened.

I don’t charge to do this.  I think it’s a good PR exercise.

Happy altering

Judith Turner

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