Dress tight hips and lining tight

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Dress tight hips and lining tight is a common problem.  It usually happens when a manufacturer inserts lining that is a size smaller than the fashion fabric panels. This makes the dress look bunchy in some areas and tight in others.  For example in this photo the section under the bodice looks loose, yet it is actually tight because the lining is very firm on the body.  A little further down and the lining AND the dress are tight on the hips.


Notice the bunching under the bust from lining too tight

no bunching at waist

In this video I show the problem of dress tight hips and lining tight, how to determine where to let out at the hips and how to insert a stretch panel in the sides, and show the finished product.

Whenever you come across a garment that feels tight, yet the outer fabric is "floating" it is because the lining is too tight.  The perfect solution is to add a strip of stretch fabric down the two side seams with the stretch going across the fabric.



TIP - Blocking is a technique which brings too colors into the garment.  It is also a great way to increase the size of a garment.  I am often asked how a garment can be increased because the person has put on weight.  Imagine a white dress that has become too tight.  A solution would be to add black fabric to the sides.  But rather than just opening the seams and adding the black, cut some of the white fabric away.  This could be in a curve or on an angle.  This would mean more of the black is inserted created a true blocking effect, and creating a brand new looking garment.

Happy altering

Judith Turner

2018-05-07T11:05:34+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out, Dresses and Gowns|Comments Off on Dress tight hips and lining tight