How to alter trousers when they are too big all over or just in certain areas

Alter trousers pockets

Alter trousers pockets I received this email about taking in sides of trousers with pockets:- "How do you alter slacks in the hips that have pockets?  I have several pairs that are too big since I have lost weight." You only have two options.  One is to take in the sides and take out the pockets, but this would also depend on the type of pocket.  Obviously you can't take out a pocket that has [...]

2014-12-15T21:23:54+10:00 By |Categories: Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Alter trousers pockets

Hips different and causes pulling at crotch

Trousers pull crotch or sides I was asked recently to see if I could offer any advise for a person with one hip different to the other. "I have a problem with altering slacks/pants and jeans in the butt - one hip seems to be a tad higher than the other and causes pulling on the sides or worse yet in the crotch.  Need help." My first thought is that you have to fix it at [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:44+10:00 By |Categories: Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Hips different and causes pulling at crotch

Altering trousers elastic waist

Comfort is important but even some trousers that are elasticated can be too big in the waist or they may hang down at the crotch, or a combination of both.  To test and see which is the problem, fold the elastic band over once and see what happens to the crotch.  If it has not raised it enough, fold over again.  It may be that you only want to fold the waist over one and [...]

2016-12-27T12:37:05+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Skirts, Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Altering trousers elastic waist

Threading elastic

Threading elastic can be a tedious job.  When the elastic goes in your trousers or skirt, rather than pulling the old elastic out first, then threading the new, join the new elastic to the end of the old elastic, and when pulling the old elastic out, the new elastic will be threaded through.  Quick and easy. Threading elastic Using the traditional method of a safety pin works, but there is a better product [...]

2018-05-05T17:49:46+10:00 By |Categories: Elastic uses, Skirts, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Threading elastic

Check right and left panels

Trousers check panels Check right and left panels because sometimes a seamstress will accidentally put one size on the front panels and another on the back.  Or one size on one side and another size on the opposite. Have you ever had a situation where a garment does not sit properly on a person and you can’t seem to understand what is happening? It may be a pair of trousers, or a dress.  [...]

2018-05-05T14:10:05+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too big - Take In, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Check right and left panels