One of the most expensive garments in the wardrobe. How to shorten sleeves, hems and take in

Shorten hem men’s lined jacket introduction

Shorten hem men's lined jacket introduction This is a short video covering one of the extensive videos available in my online tutorial Magic Circle. To shorten the hem on a men's lined jacket with a curved front is an extensive video.  I cover what is the correct length for a person's body length, how to create the new curve when the hem is taken up, plus heaps more on how to achieve this [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:31+10:00 By |Categories: Hems, Jackets|Comments Off on Shorten hem men’s lined jacket introduction

Unpicking imitation buttonholes

Unpicking imitation buttonholes Suit jackets are expensive.  No question.  And not everyone has long arms, so there will be a lot of people who need to have the jacket sleeves shortened.  How much it is shortened will decide whether the imitation buttonholes can stay on or not.  I have had situations where the amount going up is minimal.  Let's say there are four buttonholes.  Rather than take ALL of the buttonholes off, I will only [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:32+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, Seams, Unpicking seams|Comments Off on Unpicking imitation buttonholes

Repair rain coat

Repair rain coat Repair rain coat tear is a video on a jacket/coat that the seam had come away under the arm.  This garment had no visible means of getting in between the lining and the outer to repair it.  This videos main purpose is to show the method I used to get into the inside of the garment. Because of the plastic backing to repair rain coat, I used baking paper to [...]

2018-05-06T12:30:59+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, Repairs|Comments Off on Repair rain coat

Sewing mitre suit jacket sleeve

How to shorten mens lined jacket with mitred vent Sewing mitre suit jacket sleeve video includes how to bag the opposite side and is a small exert from my eBook "How to Shorten sleeves on a lined jacket with a mitered vent". Creating the mitre on a jacket sleeve is not difficult, but the overall clothing alteration should be done step by step.  Jackets are generally expensive items, therefore an outlay of $24.95 [...]

2018-05-06T12:36:58+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets|Comments Off on Sewing mitre suit jacket sleeve

Jacket zips

Jacket zips take the most time to replace. As you all know I am in Australia and I charge my customers up to $65.00 to replace jacket zips in a lined garment.  Because I work on AUD$40.00 plus GST (10%) per hour, by the time I unpick the broken jacket zips, and put the new one in it takes over an hour. Some people go into shock when I give them to price, but I [...]

2018-05-07T11:35:23+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Jacket zips