Sewing fabric that ladders

Sewing fabric that ladders Sewing fabric that ladders must be done very delicately. Some fabrics ladder if you pull on them too much.  To stop this from happening: Mark the new hem allowance which will include the new fold line and the new cut line.  The cut line will always be BELOW the new fold line (finished length). Place the garment on your sewing machine. Stitch around the garment just above the cut [...]

2018-05-06T14:39:06+10:00 By |Categories: Hems|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Sewing fabric that ladders

The day before the wedding and the dresses don’t fit (True story)

In my book Clothing Alteration Secrets Revealed, I cover taking up Long Dresses, gowns and skirts.  This may seem like an easy exercise and it should be, but it is important to pin all the way around measuring from the floor up as per my technique in my book.  Let me tell you a story about what happened at my nieces wedding. I live in the Gold Coast, and I drove down to Sydney (about [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:49+10:00 By |Categories: Weddings|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The day before the wedding and the dresses don’t fit (True story)

Saving money

In this financial environment, you will be looking at all sorts of ways to save money.  Think about how much you spend on altering your pants.  A normal pant hem in Australia is around $15.00 to $20.00. My book Clothing Alteration Secrets Revealed shows you how to shorten pants the professional way, and its only $54.95 plus postage. Happy sewing Judith aka genie

2016-10-21T10:18:50+10:00 By |Categories: Clothing Alteration Business|Tags: , |Comments Off on Saving money