Sewing fabric that ladders

Sewing fabric that ladders

Sewing fabric that ladders must be done very delicately.

Some fabrics ladder if you pull on them too much.  To stop this from happening:

Mark the new hem allowance which will include the new fold line and the new cut line.  The cut line will always be BELOW the new fold line (finished length).

Place the garment on your sewing machine.

Stitch around the garment just above the cut line.

If you are really concerned then sew it a second time.

If you are not concerned about the stretch of the fabric, iron interfacing onto the garment, but cut on the bias so that it has a small amount of stretch.

Iron this onto the garment before cutting.  The fabric should not be sheer for interfacing to be ironed on.

Sewing fabric that ladders by running a row of stitching just above the cut line will hopefully save the fabric.  There are some fabrics on the market that ladder almost when touched, so be very careful with these types of fabrics.

Happy altering

Judith Turner

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