Garment too big

If you are going to take in a customer or friends clothes, take extra time to pin the garment with accuracy.  Mistakes are made when short cuts are taken.  I have a policy which is "Where I pin is where I sew".  That means I take special care to pin the garment on the persons body, letting the person know that if they are happy with the pinning, they will be happy with the final [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:50+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too big - Take In|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Garment too big

Taking in sides below band

The band fits perfectly, but the sides stick out like jodhpurs used to in the old days. That fashion was loose at the hips and tight from the knee down.  Of course I am not talking about the below the knee thing here, but just the hip area flaring out.  If there is enough room to get the sewing machine foot in below the band and take in the hip area with ease, then the [...]

2013-10-20T22:03:30+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too big - Take In|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Taking in sides below band