Make waist bigger on jeans

Make waist bigger jeans.  Jeans don’t have darts or pleats to release, but generally a manufacturer will sew stabilizing tape around the top of the jeans.  They also can sew stabilizing tape around the top of the band in between the fabric.  This means there is absolutely no stretch at all in the band.  When you take the band off you and any tape, you will notice that the fabric will be quite stretchy.  Also take the tape off from the top of the band if there is any and you can then put your band back on and you will have picked up maybe 5 cm (2 in).

If the jeans have stretched substantially at the waist, you could attach an extension.  I would suggest you put this in the centre back because most jeans have a stud and button hole.  The best place is under the leather label.  No one would see the extension.

Happy altering
Judith Turner

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