Magic Solutions by SewInGenius Rita

//Magic Solutions by SewInGenius Rita

Rita's Magic Solutions

MAGIC SOLUTIONS here are a few other quick and easy things you can do to preserve the wearing life, colour and integrity of your favourite clothes. To prevent problems like dye transfer from one garment to another,shrinking clothes and lint over all the wash here's what to do.
Create Rainbows
Wash like colours together -  whites with pastels; bright colours together; dark colours.together. Wash multi-coloured items with lots of white background separately first. If the colors don’t bleed or run, they can be washed with other items next time
Red sock with white garments!
Delicate Delights 
Separate delicate items; separate lint givers (like towels) from lint catchers (like corduroy). Loosely knit sweaters, lingerie or items with delicate trim require gentle care
Detecting  Dirt
Wash heavily soiled work or play clothes separately. Wash nappies and soiled bed linens separately to avoid contaminating other clothes.
Zip , strip, close, tie, shake, turn...
Empty pockets Shake out loose dirt from cuffs. Close zippers and other fasteners. Tie strings and sashes loosely.Turn it inside out. Remove belts, pins, trims, ornaments that are not washable.
“A stitch in time saves nine”
Mend damaged items before washing.
Remember I can help you with your mending so bring me your little troubles before they become big disasters!
So now you know...
IF you can wash it
HOW you can wash it
WHAT to wash it with.
Rita is a Clothing Alteration Genie working in Western Australia.
 Here is her Facebook link
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