Draft sleeve for sleeveless dress and completely change the "look".

Totally transform a garment by adding sleeves.  Whether you want to hide your arms, or just change the appearance, this is a great option.  Use an existing sleeve pattern and tweak it to fit, or tale the time to draft a sleeve to perfectly fit the armhole.

insert sleeves into sleeveless dress ebook

Drafting a sleeve pattern can be confusing.  I am often asked if I can explain how I draft my sleeve patterns.  This has been on my "To Do" list for a while.  Instead of a video I decided to create an eBook BECAUSE I needed to provide illustrations.  I would take the person's measurements and draft the pattern.  Everyone's upper arm is different, so it is important to account for this.  The height of the sleeve cap must be considered, because the shape at the shoulder will change with each garment.

But it is not so simple to just write what needs to be done.  The eBook on "How to create sleeves for a sleeveless garment"  is available.  This is a comprehensive eBook and at the time of writing had 13 illustrations.

Happy altering,
Judith aka genie

2018-05-05T15:31:32+10:00 By |Categories: Dresses and Gowns, Sleeves and straps|Comments Off on Draft sleeve for sleeveless dress