How to replace and fix zippers

Invisible zipper-bagging corners

Invisible zipper-bagging corners gives a nice finish at the top.  I actually prefer to put an invisible zipper in a garment, rather than a dress zip and I use my normal zipper foot.   Unpick the broken invisible zipper and pick off all the excess threads.  There are two things you need to do when unpicking. How to bag top of invisible zip 1.  Unpick the seam a little bit [...]

2018-05-07T10:48:02+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Invisible zipper-bagging corners

Shorten zipper bottom

Shorten zipper bottom rather than the top. Shorten zip from bottom I have replaced quite a few zips over the years.  One of the more common reasons a zip will break is because it has been inserted using continuous zipping.  Or the zip was shortened from the top.  Both continuous zipping and shortening from the top means that the stopper at the top of the zip is not there.  This stopper ensures that [...]

2018-05-07T10:40:10+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Comments Off on Shorten zipper bottom

When to attach lining to zipper?

When to attach lining to zipper? When to attaching lining to zipper? When attaching a dress zip, I find it easier to sew the lining onto the zip first.  Then bag the tops, and finally top stitch the dress zip. Conversely when I sew an invisible zip, I attach the zip to the fashion fabric first, then attach the lining, making sure that the lining is around 1/2 inch or so (1 cm) [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:42+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on When to attach lining to zipper?

Replacing sliders in zips

Replacing sliders in zips Replacing sliders in zips may seem hard but this is only because you may be trying to insert it from the bottom. All sliders must be put back on FROM THE TOP.  Most people try to replace from the bottom. If you happen to lose a slider from a zip, it can be replaced.  On the back of every slider there should be a number.  For example on a [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:42+10:00 By |Categories: Zippers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Replacing sliders in zips

clothing alterations book

Clothing alterations book Dear Judith, I bought your book a couple of years ago and have been receiving your emails ever since.  I just wanted to share this little something with you. Although I have been sewing for a long time now and I have put zips in items that I have made.  I have never replaced a zip in anything as it scared me (that's funny I know but it did).  This week I [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:43+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too big - Take In, Clothes too tight - Let out, Hems, Jackets, Jeans, Zippers|Tags: |Comments Off on clothing alterations book