Using fluffy thread on domestic overlocker

If you are altering a lot of black garments, you may like to consider purchasing the fluffy over locking thread.  It comes in a 15,000 meter cone (textured polyester) and the brand I use if called Gramax, but this may vary from country to country.  Its very cheap to buy and will save you a lot of money on over locking. I buy the standard colors – black, white, cream and grey.  The only problem [...]

2014-11-18T08:08:35+10:00 By |Categories: Over locking, Sewing machine information|Tags: |Comments Off on Using fluffy thread on domestic overlocker

Overlock stretch – alteration versus making

When you are making a tee shirt or stretch top you would have your over locker or serger threaded as a four thread machine.  This gives you the safety stitch and means you don't have to sew a seam first, then over lock. But when you are doing the hem, I would recommend you overlock with only three threads.  This gives the hem a lot more flexibility and stretch without the safety stitch.  Also take [...]

2014-11-18T08:08:46+10:00 By |Categories: Over locking, Sewing machine information, Stretch and Knit Tops & Tees|Tags: |Comments Off on Overlock stretch – alteration versus making

Gathering with your over locker

Rather than sewing a long stitch and pulling the threads to gather the fabric, consider getting a gathering foot for your over locker (serger). I have a Janome and the gathering foot cost around $25 from memory.  the time it saves is unbelievable.  It will also ruch the fabric.  It is as simple as laying one piece of fabric on the bottom (the fabric that is going to be gathered and another piece of fabric [...]

2014-11-18T08:08:58+10:00 By |Categories: Over locking, Sewing machine information|Tags: |Comments Off on Gathering with your over locker

Convert to three thread and one needle

I personally prefer to have one needle in the left (LEFT) hand position and only use three threads on my over lock/serger.  Four threads are really for when you are sewing Lycra and other stretch fabrics.  If you are just over locking a garment from an alteration or making a garment, you really only need the three threads. I think it looks more professional and with the needle in the left hand position, it gives [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:50+10:00 By |Categories: Over locking, Sewing machine information|Tags: |Comments Off on Convert to three thread and one needle

Changing thread on your over locker/serger

I have had some people tell me that the best way to change the thread on your over locker or serger is to run it though using the pedal as if you are sewing.  I don't agree with this theory because what that can do is throw the tension out on the tension dials.  Running a knot through the tension dial does not do it any favors. In stead that a little time, and turn [...]

2014-11-18T08:09:23+10:00 By |Categories: Over locking, Sewing machine information|Tags: |Comments Off on Changing thread on your over locker/serger