If you are altering a lot of black garments, you may like to consider purchasing the fluffy over locking thread.  It comes in a 15,000 meter cone (textured polyester) and the brand I use if called Gramax, but this may vary from country to country.  Its very cheap to buy and will save you a lot of money on over locking.

I buy the standard colors – black, white, cream and grey.  The only problem you will have is fitting it onto your over ocker.  You only use two of these cones, with a normal poly thread on the needle thread, and you would have your over locker set up as a three thread.

To stop the thread from catching underneath the spool, cut out a piece of cardboard that is 6” (15 cm) wide and 9” (25 cm) long. Put holes for the metal spool spikes to go through, and sit this underneath the spools.   If you don’t use the cardboard the thread can drop down and get caught, which cause the thread to break.

This is a real saving in money if you use the Gramax or textured polyester for all your over locking.  Remember you only need two, and you will have to leave a gap between each one because they are so big.

Happy sewing

Judith aka genie

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