Narrow shoulders large bust

There are two options.

The first is the quick way which you have probably done before and that is to fold the shoulder over and put a pleat in it which would give you a pleat at the front and back.  You could do two or three and make it a feature.  I prefer to turn the garment inside out and stitch the fold on the under side, then come around and top stitch it down which a row of stitching as close to the edge as you can.  This gives it a pleated effect without it looking like that was what you wanted to do.

The second way is the more time consuming and that is to take the sleeve out, recut the armhole and put the sleeve back in.  Always label your sleeves with a piece of paper attached with a safety pin before you unpick.  Ie right sleeve and left sleeve labeled.  Saves you trying to work out which sleeve goes where.  Just a little time saving thing.

You do not need to deepen the armhole.  But you may find you have to put a dart in the front.  Also sew TWO rows of stitching around the new armhole in a wide stitch and ease it in slightly.  This ensures you don’t stretch the fabric.  Pin the sleeve back in. I usually put a dot at the top of the sleeves if there isn’t a notch there already so you know the exact top of the sleeve.

Happy sewing

Judith aka genie

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