Have you ever had trouble with the tension on your over locker/serger?  One of the biggest mistakes I think people make is to leave the tension dials ON when threading a new color onto the machine.  Sewing or pulling the thread through till it gets to the needle with the tension ON can cause problems with the tension.  The knot going through the tension dial can cause damage.

Tension dial on three(standard for my machine)
Tension dial on zero when changing threads

Get into the habit of releasing the tension dials to zero each time you change threads, and pull them through my hand.

Then reset the dials after you have the new thread pulled through.  This will save you a lot of money in service calls.  My tension dials for normal over locking is set on 3, so all I have to do is release to zero, pull the thread through then turn the dials back to 3.  Easy.

Happy altering
Judith Turner

2018-05-05T11:44:31+10:00 By |Categories: Over locking, Sewing machine information|Tags: |Comments Off on Changing threads overlocker