Altering shirts

Pens on garment prepare tables

Picture this – A wedding dress is lying on the table ready to be shortened at the hem.  It has layers and layers of chiffon, plus satin and tulle.  Someone comes up and talks to you and puts a black pen down on the table with the lid off. It only takes a few seconds for the fabric to begin soaking up the ink.................... Can you imagine how you are going to feel?  I had [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:49+10:00 By |Categories: Dresses and Gowns, Shirts, Skirts, Stretch and Knit Tops & Tees, Trousers|Tags: |Comments Off on Pens on garment prepare tables

Putting splits in tee shirts using herring bone tape

If you ever would like to put splits in a tee shirt, I would recommend using a herring bone tape which will be featured on the inside of the split. Tee shirts are usually put together with a four thread over locker, which means no seam allowance, therefore to open out the seam and turn a section back would not look that great, plus the split will probably roll because there is nothing of substance [...]

2013-10-19T14:33:38+10:00 By |Categories: Hems, Shirts, Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Putting splits in tee shirts using herring bone tape

False cuffs

A false cuff can look good on short sleeves of a shirt or a false cuff on the bottom of your trousers. I put a 3 cm (1 ¼ in) hem allowance on my false cuffs.  On top of this I need another 1 cm (½ in).  So lets say you are converting a long sleeve shirt into shirt sleeves.  Mark up the amount you are taking the sleeves up, lets say 30 cm (12 [...]

2013-10-20T18:50:54+10:00 By |Categories: Hems, Shirts, Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on False cuffs