Techniques for repairing clothes

How to repair torn trouser pocket

How to repair torn trouser pocket Most suit or good trousers have the pocket attached to the side seam.  So when the pocket splits, or is torn, it can seem a bit confusing as to how you get in there to repair.  If you try and sew up the seam without unpicking the side section attaching the pocket to the seam, it will not sit correctly. This video covers how to unpick, access, darn and [...]

2018-05-03T16:50:50+10:00 By |Categories: Repairs|Comments Off on How to repair torn trouser pocket

Shorten metal zipper

Shorten metal zip Shorten metal zipper When shortening a metal zipper, or any standard zipper (not open ended) I recommend shortening from the bottom not the top.  Over the past 20+ years I have seen most problems associated with clothes and sliders coming off the top of a zip is one of those.  Continuous zipper are the worst culprits as their is not stopper at the top and should the end of the [...]

2018-05-05T16:12:36+10:00 By |Categories: Repairs, Zippers|Comments Off on Shorten metal zipper

Repair snag knitted dress

Repair snag knitted dress Machine knitted dresses snag easily particularly when wearing bling.  Watches or rings can catch on the knit and pull.  Never cut the snag.  It needs to be worked through to the other side. Here is another method for pushing it through to the other side.  All you need is a needle and thread.  There are a number of ways to repair snags and holes in knitted fabrics.  There is another video [...]

2018-05-06T12:04:03+10:00 By |Categories: Repairs|Comments Off on Repair snag knitted dress

Repair snag in fabric

repair snag in fabric Repair snag in fabric is a great video for those little snags that can be caused by jewelry such as a watch or ring.  The method is quick and simple and will only take a minute to hide the snag completely. Never cut a snag as it could cause a hole in the fabric.  This video is a small section of the video on taking in the back of [...]

2018-05-06T12:13:24+10:00 By |Categories: Repairs|Comments Off on Repair snag in fabric

Repair rain coat

Repair rain coat Repair rain coat tear is a video on a jacket/coat that the seam had come away under the arm.  This garment had no visible means of getting in between the lining and the outer to repair it.  This videos main purpose is to show the method I used to get into the inside of the garment. Because of the plastic backing to repair rain coat, I used baking paper to [...]

2018-05-06T12:30:59+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, Repairs|Comments Off on Repair rain coat