One of the most expensive garments in the wardrobe. How to shorten sleeves, hems and take in

Is your Lined Jacket too long?

Is your lined jacket too long?  What is the right length? Shortening a lined suit jacket takes some concentration but can be achieved without too much fuss if you know what you are doing in advance.  This type of jacket is longer than a bomber jacket which finishes around the waist or upper hip area. Is your lined jacket too long? Drop your arm and raise the thumb.  This is your perfect length [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:43+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets|Tags: |Comments Off on Is your Lined Jacket too long?

Button holes cut sleeves jacket

shortening jacket with cut buttonholes Button holes cut sleeves jacket does mean more work when shortening a sleeve.  An Australian Designer started cutting the button holes on their lined jackets.  I contacted them to suggest they stop the practice, since anyone who needed their sleeves shortened could not have it done from the bottom since the fabric was cut and the buttonholes were sewn through BOTH LAYERS of fabric.  So if it was [...]

2018-05-05T14:15:40+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets|Tags: |Comments Off on Button holes cut sleeves jacket

Make buttonholes

Make buttonholes is practice, practice, practice.  If you are a master of button holes you will understand what I am saying, but for those of you who are scared of the dreaded button hole please read on.  Most modern sewing machines have an automatic button hole, but the old machines don’t.  The trick with button holes is practice, practice, practice. No other words for it.  A couple of tips though.  Keep the zig zag open, [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:45+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, Repairs, Shirts|Tags: |Comments Off on Make buttonholes

Altering jacket sleeves from top sleeve

Altering jacket sleeves from top sleeve The day will come when you want to shorten the sleeves on a jacket, BUT the bottom of the sleeve has some kind of feature.  It may be that the button holes are sliced open, there is embroidery, beading, elaborate cuffs or any other type of feature.  So the only option is to shorten at the top of the sleeve. I am going to cover this in [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:46+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets|Tags: |Comments Off on Altering jacket sleeves from top sleeve

Sew pocket lined jacket

School blazers, golf club jackets, cricket club jackets and other sporting clubs replace pockets each time there is a change of board/captain or such, and sew pocket lined jacket is a blog on how I do this. It looks more difficult than it is.  You can sew around the outside, which will save you a lot of angst, however most jackets are sewn around the inside of the pocket.  Don’t sew over the lining.  Get [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:49+10:00 By |Categories: Jackets, School Uniform|Tags: |Comments Off on Sew pocket lined jacket