Putting on weight can make clothes too tight, so here are some techniques for letting out

Jacket too tight

Jacket too tight Riding jackets are very expensive, and as the young child grows, jackets can become too tight.  Seams do not always have a lot of extra fabric so you need to look at adding panels. If the arms were too tight and around the armhole and back, then you can insert a panel down the arm and down the back panel.  I remembered a client bringing me a Riding Jacket a few years ago, and what [...]

2018-05-06T14:54:29+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out, Jackets|Tags: , |Comments Off on Jacket too tight

Trousers too tight

1.  If trousers too tight at the waist, you can release the pleats or darts.  It may or may not have a band.  If there is no band it is easier to unpick the darts and put a panel in the facing or unpick the lining darts. For trousers (or skirts) with a band, unpick the band from the button end around to the button hole end, but not all the way.  Leave the buttonhole [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:44+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out, Trousers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Trousers too tight

Tee shirt too small

When a tee shirt too small, panels can be added to increase the size. Unpick the side seam and the sleeve about half way y to the shoulder seam on either side.  Cut out a panel from fabric similar to the fabric or in a contrast.  Allow around 7.5 cm (3") at the top (slightly curved for the armhole, and make a little wider as you come down the panel.  Because you have unpicked the [...]

2018-05-05T18:19:04+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out, Stretch and Knit Tops & Tees|Tags: |Comments Off on Tee shirt too small

Making clothes bigger

Making clothes bigger Above the waist 1. Do you have a top or dress that is too tight around the bust? If there is a zip in the back, unpick the zip or undo the centre back seam, or if there is no centre back seam - mark down the centre back and cut.  Make small loops and attach on each side about 2.5 cm (1") apart.  Make a cord and thread the cord into [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:44+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out|Tags: |Comments Off on Making clothes bigger

Adding gusset pants

Adding gusset pants The question most people ask is "should I insert a gusset in the back or the sides?"  I think adding the gusset to the sides of the pants is a better option, because past experience has shown that a gusset in the back may not hold the pants up, particularly if they are hipster pants. Adding gusset pants can be achieved by unpicking the side seams, including any band, yoke or facing. [...]

2016-10-21T10:18:44+10:00 By |Categories: Clothes too tight - Let out|Tags: |Comments Off on Adding gusset pants