Shorten lined skirt bagged split


Whether there is a split on skirt, dress, gown or top, if it has the lining attached to the split it can be a little complicated to shorten and reattach the lining to the split.  Thankfully this eBook will take you through each step.



How to shorten a lined skirt with a split at the back.  But not just any skirt.  This one has the lining attached to the split.  Learn how to shorten the skirt, and lining, plus reattach back on to the fashion fabric in a professional manner.   This is a great alteration and one that when mastered will save a lot of money because you will be able to alter your own skirts.  There are 24 pages with 24 illustrations & photos.  And there is a section on how to work out what is the most flattering length to wear a skirt or dress.