Fix sway back jeans


If you have a sway back this is a great alteration eBook for you.  It has 15 pages and 26 illustrations and photos (no videos) to take you through each step.



How to fix sway back in jeans

Does the band on your jeans gape at the back?
Would you rather they sat at the back like this?



Learn how to pin to determine the right amount to take in at the band, and how to resolve the issue at the yolk area.  Please note if the jeans are big BELOW the yoke area, do not use this method.  The center back of the jeans need to be taken in which is a different way of doing the alteration.

With this method the jeans will not "V" at the back, and can be used on trousers and skirts as well

If you have a sway back then this ebook will be your best friend, and you will also find out how to match the thread colour to your jeans, so that it is almost impossible to tell that you took them in.

There are 26 photos and illustrations in the eBook.  It is like I am holding your hand each step of the way.