Shorten Sleeve Lined Jacket from Sleeve Cap


When the sleeves cannot be shortened from the end because of embellishment or cut buttonholes, the best option is to shorten from the sleeve cap.  This eBook has over 20 videos including written instructions and illustrations.

Medium sewing skills are required to perform this alteration.  Or practice on an old jacket first.



Shorten sleeve lined jacket from sleeve cap is a major clothing alteration.  I am not going to say that it is easy. But it is an alteration to learn if you have jackets that can not be shortened from the end of the sleeve because of embellishment, cut buttonholes or some other reason.

Raising a sleeve from the sleeve cap on a ladies jacket is slightly less bulky than a men's suit jacket, however the same unpicking, marking and cutting applies.

This is a major alteration, however the illustrations and videos should help achieve a professional result.

This is a very comprehensive digital eBook with

  1. Written instructions
  2. Illustrations
  3. Videos

 YOUR BONUS VIDEO - Buttonholes cut on sleeve - another option to shorten from end.