ASG Members only eBooks 2016-10-21T10:18:11+10:00

ASG Members only eBooks

I have made three of my eBooks available to ASG members.

Sway back in jeans

A common problem for many people.
Step by step includes how to pin, prepare and sew, including how to repeat the thread colour.  It's not as difficult as you think.

How to Fix Sway Back on Jeans FP
Replace jean zip

Why throw them away when it can be replaced for the cost of a jean zip?  And learn the tricks to create the same thread colour as the jeans, use the correct needle and unpick the right pieces so that you do not create extra work for yourself.



Shorten trousers with cuffs

Want to put the cuffs back on after you shorten?
Follow these easy step by step instructions.