Jacket sleeves shorten bagged split 2018-05-06T11:10:08+10:00

Jacket sleeves shorten bagged split

This type of feature is usually on a woman's jacket sleeve.   Jackets are expensive items, so jacket sleeves shorten bagged split is one that I would suggest you practice on an old jacket first.  This eBook has 48 pages with step by step instructions.  But rather than just leave you with the written word,  I include 26 videos covering each step and 29 illustrations.


Receive a bonus video on how to Shorten lined jacket - plain sleeve


This type of jacket sleeve alteration is what I would call the most common.  I generally charge from AUD$30 - $35 to complete.  This would probably include new interfacing, and making adjustments if the lining is too long.  There are a number of things that may need to be considered when shortening a lined jacket sleeve.


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